Beekeeping class planned

A class for beginning beekeepers will be held in the Executive Auditorium of the Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center in Abingdon on Saturday, Feb. 27.

The class will start at 9 a.m. with registration and end by 3:30 p.m.

Topics covered in the class include honeybee biology, equipment needed, where and how to get bees, locating the apiary, honeybee pests and diseases, seasonal management, integrated hive management and nectar sources.

Every effort will be made to answer basic questions, including equipment assembly, introduction of package bees to a hive, etc.

Class size will be limited due to coronavirus precautions.

The cost of the class is $35. Cost for students with an ID is $20.

Pre-register at or by sending a check for $35 payable to the Highlands Beekeepers Association to the Washington County Extension Office, 234 W. Valley St., Suite B, Abingdon, VA 24210.

Participants will be given a beekeeping basics booklet, a certificate of completion and membership in the Highlands Beekeepers Association.

Contact the Extension Office at 276-676-6309 if you have questions.

Participation by Zoom meeting is available upon request.