E&H business program offering wide range of classes

Emory & Henry College’s School of Business Executive Education program will offer a wide range of programs and workshops in entrepreneurship, strategic resources management, manager development, leadership and recreation management to the community, with the first two-day program starting on Friday, May 14, 2021.

“The Executive Education Programs fits the needs of our region to tackle the challenges that small and medium-sized businesses face,” says Dr. Emmett Tracy, founding dean of the School of Business. “With growth throughout the Tri-Cities region and our economy gaining momentum, one of those challenges is scaling small to medium-sized enterprises.”

The first program will take place May 14-15, virtually. The Certificate in Entrepreneurship in Value Creation: Small Business Growth (VCBG) program has been developed to provide support and development to businesses and business leaders looking to scale or expand existing small businesses.

The intensive, full two-day program will tackle challenges for smaller businesses that blend interactive, online education with personalized coaching and development customized to the participant’s organization. The program will be taught by Professor Joel Litman, President and CEO of Valens Research, a global corporate performance and investment research and analytics firm; Professor Nawtej Dosanjh, who has worked across international business cultures from North America, UK, Europe, Africa, Middle East, South Asia and Asia, presiding over positions of substantial responsibility and scope International Higher Education (HE) transformation; and Dean Emmett Tracy,  an experienced Chief Executive Officer and Academic Executive with a specialization in digital transformation, internationalization and global leadership.

For more information or to register, visit www.ehc.edu/academics/school-