E&H theatre performing ‘The Old Turtle and the Broken Truth’


The Emory & Henry College Theatre Department announces an enchanting, family-friendly upcoming performance of “The Old Turtle and the Broken Truth.” This heartwarming and thought-provoking musical adaptation, based on the book by Douglas Wood, with a book by Catherine Bush and music and lyrics by Dax Dupuy, is set to grace the stage on Nov. 4 at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., and on Nov. 5 at 1 p.m. This captivating production will take place at Emory & Henry College in the McGlothlin Center for the Arts in the Black Box Theatre and promises to be an event for all ages to cherish.

“The Old Turtle and the Broken Truth” presents a profound tale that revolves around the shattering of a “truth” that falls from the sky, splitting into two pieces. In the wake of this division, the villagers hold onto only a portion of what is true, threatening to disrupt the tranquility of their otherwise peaceful world. It is Little One who embarks on a quest to reunite the broken truth and seeks the wisdom of an old, trusted friend and the support of numerous creatures from the animal kingdom. This poignant and musical adaptation serves as a timeless reminder of the utmost importance of seeking understanding and unity in our lives.

Sarah Crockarell, the director of this captivating production, expressed her deep appreciation for the story’s message. She shared, “Old Turtle and the Broken Truth was originally a children’s book written by naturalist Douglas Wood in 2003. In 2015, Catherine Bush and Dax Dupuy adapted this book for the Barter Players, and their musical has gone on to have productions across the country. When I read this book to my six-year-old for the first time, he sat straight up in bed and stared at the pages, enthralled. It has been delightful to find that all of us involved in this production, from the actors to the designers to the crew, share a genuine love for this exciting and meaningful musical. We are overjoyed to be able to share this story with you. May we all open our hearts, see the beauty all around us, and see ourselves in each other.”

Don’t miss the opportunity to experience this beautifully crafted musical that encourages us to embrace empathy, understanding and the significance of unity. Tickets are available for purchase online for $15 at www.ehc.edu/mca/tickets, or you can contact 276-944-6333 for more information.