FARM program seeking interns

Appalachian Sustainable Development’s Farmer and Rancher Mentoring (FARM) program, is now recruiting interns for the 2023 season. All on-farm internships will begin by May 1, 2023 and provide interns with the opportunity to work closely with their mentors for at least 200 hours. Additional program requirements include: attendance at an in-person orientation and the submission of at least 2 blogs to ASD’s Producer Pathway Manager, Michael Klarman. No experience is necessary and interested people are encouraged to apply by March 27, 2023:  

In ASD’s FARM program, interns have the unique opportunity to work with a wide variety of experienced farmers, willing to share the pitfalls and successes associated with running a farm business in Central Appalachia. Interns receive guidance and direction from FARM mentors who will help them identify and prioritize their learning goals during the internship. Written learning goals will be used to guide interns through the growing season and are likely to change over time as they learn more about the business of running a working farm operation. 

2023 FARM mentors include: Tumbling Creek Cider Company Orchards & production facility, Mcmullen Family Homestead, Creative Seeds Farm, TNT Farm N Greenhouse, Stormbrew Farm, Harvest Table Farm, Natural Beauty Farm, and Kelly Ridge Farms, LLC. 

FARM is the region’s first on-farm internship program that connects interested people with working farmers who mentor them in a variety of ways. Interested people are encouraged to view mentor profiles and apply here: