Hospital opens new obstetrics triage unit

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WVU Medicine Princeton Community Hospital held a grand opening on March 7 for a new obstetrics triage unit in the hospital’s Women’s Center. The Women’s Center is located in the PCH Parkview Center.

The two triage rooms will create a more streamlined and efficient admission process for expectant mothers. The space will also reduce wait times for inductions and scheduled C-sections by taking some of the load off the available labor rooms.

“We are excited to unveil this new obstetrics triage unit as part of our Women’s Center,” PCH President and CEO Karen Bowling said. “This important update will enhance the compassionate care and latest technologies that we offer our obstetrics patients.”

“The OB triage rooms will contribute to an improved standard of care for expectant mothers,” Women’s Center Director Jackie Mincy said. “Each room is complete with its own private restroom, comfortable labor bed, TV and fetal monitoring system.”