Marion Farmers Market readies for new season

ripe artichokes in boxes in marketPhoto by Julia Volk on

After weathering the storms of the COVID, the Marion Farmers Market is not only celebrating being a tradition that continued through the pandemic but also the upcoming seasons.

“We’ve continued to serve the community all season long, including through the Christmas season,” said Marion Mayor David Helms, “and through the leadership of our market manager Leslie Vanover, we’re excited for a big 2021.”

The Marion Winter Market is held the second Saturday each month through April from 10 a.m. until noon.

“We generally have meats, baked goods, canned goods, eggs, and other essential items,” said Vanover. “As the weather gets a bit warmer, we’ll have early season plants and flowers too.”

The traditional season for the Marion Farmers Market kicks off Saturday, May 1, and regular season hours are 8 a.m. until noon.

This year, the Marion Farmers Market will host a “Meet Your Market Manager” event on Saturday, April 10, for vendors and prospective vendors. Vanover will provide an overview of the plans for the coming season, and will have applications for reserved spots at the market.

“Last year, we were so fortunate to have a full market most of the time,” said Vanover. “This year, we’ll still be doing ‘essentials only,’ but we expect that spaces will fill up quickly for the season. Getting applications in early guarantees vendors a space, so we’re doing all we can to encourage them to attend this meeting and kick off the upcoming season.”

The Marion Farmers Market is located on the Town Square Parking Lot, at the corner of Cherry and Chestnut streets, across from the Post Office in downtown Marion. For information, contact [email protected] or call (276) 620-1300.

Market spaces are $5 a week, and “essentials only” goods may be sold at the market. These include locally grown and sourced meats, canned and baked goods, eggs, plants, vegetables, fruits, and household cleaning and cooking supplies are allowed.