Wytheville PD warns of scams

The Wytheville Police Department on Friday warned of looming internet scams, saying the department has recently taken two reports of significant monetary losses.

One involved a Sweepstakes prize valued at $28 million. The victim, who will not accept the fact they have been scammed has sent more than $200,000 to the scammers for “Taxes and Processing Fees.”

The other is a romance scam involving a “Stranded oil rig worker in Nigeria.” The victim has sent more than $30,000 in attempts to “rescue” this person from multiple situations; Medical emergency, fleeing the country, bombing on the oil rig. Every time the scammer asked for more, the victim sent it.

In both cases the money is gone forever, and no one will ever be prosecuted. The scammers live in and are supported by corrupt governments that make a profit from the scammers.

Be aware and watch out for your family members that may have fallen victim to these types of scams.