Wytheville Police warn of potential thieves during shopping season

Everyone is excited about Christmas shopping. It looks like all the stores are having early sales way before Thanksgiving.

The parking lots are full, it’s dark before 6 p.m., and these opportunities are a Smash and Grab thief’s prime target area.

The Wytheville Police Department wants you to be mindful of taking extra precautions this holiday season.

When shopping make sure to lock your car doors, do not leave purses or wallets visible from the outside, do not leave valuables like cell phones, GPS, or tablets visible and place packages in your trunk or if in an SUV cover them up with a blanket.

Leaving items in open view gives the would-be thief the opportunity they are looking for.

Smash and Grab thieves are opportunists, looking for vehicles that have items in plain sight.

This holiday season we have had no reports of smash and grabs in our community, let us try and keep it that way. Wytheville Police Department Officers are doing extra patrols in and around the busy shopping areas as a deterrent to these types of crimes.

Do your part and hide your valuables and gifts.