Initiative aims to expand library access to Troutdale

Goodwill Grange 959, a community-based organization, and the Wythe-Grayson Regional Library Outreach recently announced a collaborative initiative aimed at expanding library access to the Troutdale area.

This partnership will enable residents of Troutdale to have increased access to a wide range of library items, including books, DVDs, and educational resources. The initiative is part of a broader effort to promote literacy and lifelong learning in the community.

Ruby Wells had this to say about the partnership, “The Goodwill Grange’s partnership with our local library is a wonderful way to increase library services to the citizens of our community. Many thanks to Grayson County Public Library Outreach for being so creative and helpful in making this possible.”

The Wythe-Grayson Regional Library Outreach shares this enthusiasm. Director Mary Thomas said, “We are pleased with this partnership and the opportunity to expand our service in the western area of Grayson County.”

Goodwill Grange 959 is a community organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in Troutdale and surrounding areas. They are committed to community service, education, and promoting a sense of community spirit.

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