Birding opportunities at Hungry Mother

Spring offers a wonderful opportunity to observe migrating birds. That’s especially true at Hungry Mother State Park.

Multiple opportunities exist during April and May to take part in easy, guided bird walks with Virginia Master Naturalist Randy Smith. A longtime birder, Smith will help participants spot Neotropical migrants to Hungry Mother. Neotropical Migratory Birds are species whose breeding area includes the North American temperate zones and that migrate, in many cases, south of the continental United States during nonbreeding seasons.

Those interested in participating should meet at 9 a.m. at the Discovery Center on any of the following Fridays: April 9, 16, and 30, and May 7, 14, 21, and 28.

Due to Covid restrictions, park staff can’t share binoculars or field guides so participants are encouraged to bring their own.

Programming is limited to ensure that physical distance can be maintained.

Call the park at 276-781-7400 for more information.