Cregger named support staff emeritus at WCC

Dianne Cregger has been selected as Support Staff Emeritus of Wytheville Community College for 2021. This recognition honors retired support staff personnel who served WCC for a minimum of 10 years and whose performance and contributions were meritorious.

Cregger earned an Associate of Applied Science in Management from WCC in 1997. She began working at WCC in 1988 as an Office Service Specialist in the WCC Admissions and Record Office. Cregger continued working in various positions in the Admissions and Records Office until 2005 when she became the Administrative and Office Specialist for WCC’s Student Support Services, also known as Project AIM. She continued to work with the Project AIM program until her retirement in May 2016.

Dianne Cregger

During Cregger’s time at WCC, she served on various committees, including the Campus Beautification, Curriculum, Financial Aid, and Professional Development Committees. She also was the campus sponsor of the Cultural Enrichment Club.

Cregger also generously supported the WCC Capital Campaign through her service as the Team Captain for the WCC Family Campaign. She also was a member of the WCC Relay for Life team.