Director named to national association

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Virginia Rural Health Association Executive Director Beth O’Connor, M.Ed. formally was announced as the president-elect to the National Rural Health Association. O’Connor, leads VHRA in the position she has held since the organization’s formation in 2005. A dedicated advocate, she is a past chair of NRHA’s Government Affairs Committee and has served on the association’s Board of Directors.

Leadership for the National Rural Health Association is secure for 2021 and beyond, thanks to recent Board of Trustees and Rural Health Congress elections.

The Rural Health Congress is NRHA’s policy-making body. Elected representatives from the association’s constituency groups, State Association Council, State Office Council, issue groups, and officers serve on the Congress, giving broad grassroots representation that reflects the expertise and passion of NRHA’s membership.

Elected in 2019, John Gale, senior research associate at the Maine Rural Health Research Center, will serve as president in 2021.