Localities warn of fire dangers

Wythe County Emergency Services has asked everyone in Wythe County to not burn outdoors until weather conditions improve, saying that a lack of rain and dry leaves have made the fire situation dangerous.

Every town and county fire department has responded to a brush fire in the past 48 hours, officials said, most caused by outdoor burning that escaped containment.

The request in Wythe isn’t a burn ban; however, officials point out that, negligent burning is a Class 4 misdemeanor punishable by a fine plus repaying all costs of fighting the fire.

Washington County, has declared a Local Emergency issuing a ban on burning, effective immediately in response to the fire hazard conditions that create extreme fire danger. This ban is the result of an extremely dry weather and no significant rain fall.

Experience has shown that suspending open burning is an effective way of preventing fire escapes and allows a quick-fire agency response, especially as Washington County continues to experience warmer and drier weather.  Although all fires cannot be prevented through a burn suspension, their numbers can be significantly reduced. Washington County Department of Emergency Management wants to remind everyone that it is each individual’s responsibility to help prevent fires that destroy lives, property, and our wildland.

The ban on burning is applicable to public and private property and will remain in effect until Washington County receives a significant amount of precipitation to reduce the fire danger.