Romjue earns award

The Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges in Virginia awarded Dr. Amanda Romjue the H. Hiter Harris III Excellence in Instructional Technology Award at the 2023 VFIC Fall Luncheon and Harris Family Awards Program held Thursday, November 2, at the offices of Williams Mullen in Richmond. E&H faculty member Dr. Ben Letson attended the event to present Dr. Romjue the award.

The Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges recognized the accomplishment of Romjue as one of only six faculty members from the VFIC consortium of schools for their dedication to higher education and student success at the VFIC Annual Fall Luncheon & Harris Family Awards Presentation at Williams Mullen in Richmond, Va. During this event, the Libby and Hiter Harris Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award, the H. Hiter Harris III Rising Star Award  and the H. Hiter Harris III Excellence in Instructional Technology Award were presented.

Emory & Henry’s Assistant Professor of Spanish and co-chair of the Department of World Languages Amanda Romjue received her B.A. in Spanish, M.A. in Romance Languages, and Ed.S. in Higher Education from Appalachian State University. She earned her Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2016, where she studied second language acquisition and instructional technology. Intercultural learning and accessibility are of the most vital importance for Amanda in her classes and her research. Beyond learning to speak Spanish, she wants her students to be open to finding common ground to build relationships with others around
the world.

The Harris awards were created through endowments by the Harris family. The Harris family endowed these awards to highlight the special features of VFIC colleges and universities by recognizing faculty members “whose professional history reflects a strong, clear and abiding commitment to excellence in classroom teaching within the undergraduate liberal arts and sciences.” Recipients of each of these awards also receive a stipend to support their scholarly research and professional development activities. This year, the number of awardees was expanded to two winners for each award.